Sunday, February 8, 2009

When Ru is left to hir own devices....

Well, you see... After we killed the first goblin.. And he alerted the rest that, you know, we were death... It was decided that we needed another way down.. without it, like, being a suicide mission.. So I was sent off to get the gnomes to get us feather fall tokens...

On my way there.. err.. So.. I was kinda bored.. And no one was around.. And my penis was rather large I had my sword with me..... Soo... I found these giant caterpillars... The first one... I critted... And.. I think it looked something like this:

The second one.. NOT AS MUCH but still.. Decimated that bitch.

And then... Three drunk goblins singing a rousing rendition of "Dhakkan Shall Rise Again" in very slurred goblin. Which sounds wonderful, I might add.

I managed to convince them I was drunk as hell, also.. Which gave me points for when I was flailing my sword around and missing them (on accident) so that it looked like I accidentally hit them (on purpose)... 8D So then they... Stopped living. Of their own free will. And I acquired 7 cp.

I finally got to the elevator.. Scared the hell out of the Gnome.. Apparently Hobgoblins can't speak Gnome. Go figure. Scared the hell out of him again when I shifted back into a Changeling... Sent him on his way, he brought me the featherfall tokens and I changed into my pretty elf girl instead!

And then I met this very nice Half-Orc... Who took a... special interest in me. He showed me around the Cogs, gave me a nice tour of the d'Cannith manufacturing area... Gave me a silver piece, patted my bum, and went along his way.

Annnd that's all that happened today...
I heard stories about what the others did. I'm less than pleased that they killed fucked up more d'Cannith shit.. But it happens. Dru and I really ought to get drunk. And soon.

Forever yours,

1 comment:

  1. I concur. Also, I kind of love the video, which I shouldn't admit to.
