Saturday, February 28, 2009

And her name was Aleisar d'Pharlain..

So, lying sack of shit disappeared.
Bitch didn't jack anything so I guess it's more good riddance than anything.
She still knows a little too much about what happened in the Cogs regarding Merrix d'Canith's warforged/homunculus. If she becomes a threat, I will take the warforged and hunt her down.

So after basically mooching off of Evan for like a week - a wondrous week of big comfy beds and amazing food - We realize that we've lost track of Evan...... Which is disturbing considering his backdoor lover just got his throat slit and he's obviously pretty upset... But we (709) ask his wife... She rolls her eyes and explains that he's taking care of things for his upcoming party.


I wasn't invited to a party?

This hasn't happened since..




But then 709 asked about the party and Evan's wife was more than excited to invite us.. I guess she didn't think that we would want to attend a party with "everyone who is anyone" in Sharn.

That's an honest mistake.

But she's putting us up and she's feeding us. I'm not going to question it. PLUS I GET TO DRESS UP!
I mean
I guess it's not that special.
But I have way better costumes than most of the people there.
Because. You know. I can be most of the people there.
I wonder if there will be a costume contest.
I wonder if that would be considered cheating.

I'm thinking something vaguely slutty.... Or possibly overtly slutty.

Maybe I can hook up with the nice boy from the House Tharashk...

That would make two houses in a week. Teehee! :]

Not to mention connections in high places.

Ughh so we had to do work for the party.

We had to track down a shipment of MIA party favors.. and then we discovered an airship pilot who was AWOL and we were all like WTF and there was general LOL.

So we had to take a train to Wroat.. Which uh... Turned out to be pretty eventful.

There was this girl, right?
And everyone was like "Dude, Ru, go talk to her. Do it." So I did. There was general flirtation, and then she told me she had her own room in the sleeper car........... I'm pretty sure the others heard our conversation, and I'm sure it's no mystery to anyone (Except 709) what happened. Especially after I returned.. disheveled, to say the least. Her name was Aleisar d'Pharlain. And yes, I will be lording that over my good friend Drusilla D'THURANNI
Especially since she gave me this really awesome dragonmark shaped necklace of AWESOME which says I'm allowed to stay with any d'Pharlain house. God that was amazing. 40 minutes of bliss. There is a REASON I'm not a man most of the time. THE REASON?! 8 TIMES IN 40 MINUTES. THAT'S WHY BITCHES. Girl is a freak, man. If I ever happen into Ardev, I'm looking her up.

Oi.. So. After that.. I was.. Sore.
So I decided the cart was a better choice than the horse...
The cart.
With 709.
The one who doesn't understand sex.
The one who wanted to know where I went while I was talking with the elf.
The one who asked why I was limping.
It's like explaining it to the gnome who could have it but probably never will.
And if he does he'll cry after.

So then there was a random earthquake. Those are never good. Especially when it's only three spots that quake. Turns out there were these Ankhegs that didn't want us in their "bidness" and tried to eat us.

Sadly, for them, we're pretty badass.
They died, we got money for their carcasses.

So we get to where we're going.
And bitch ass wasn't there.

Sleepy time now.


P.S. Dru
I got laid.

By D'Pharlain.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Those crazy half-orcs...

After a wonderful "cuddle" session with Dru, fucking dwarf woke us up.. And in case that wasn't enough, both of the Warforged made sure we were up. I mean really
"Uh.. Guys. So. I know that we're in a DUNGEON..
And we've been fighting goblins and shit for days...
But there's immediate danger and we just want to make sure that you're up.
'Cause. You know. You're pretty useless and we don't think you have sense enough to actually get up the first time."

Under normal circumstances (and due to my lack of combat capability..) this is probably legit. But I'm going to bitch about it anyway.

Totally woke up to the dwarf explaining that there are writhing tentacles approaching.
Those. Crazy. Bitches.
Who the fuck worships tentacle Gods?

Well.. We kicked some ass.. Almost lost Dru a couple of times. Not fun.
Half-Orc and Elf-cleric did good.


I realize that that's not understood. I don't care.
We got shiny stuff....
And now we're back in comfy Gnome-land.
I'm pleased.
Warm soft beds are so much better than icky Goblin beds. Or Icky Half-Orc beds. Ewww the Cogs.

I'm getting bored with this. Thaiana is only enjoyable for so long.

Tomorrow will probably be someone new.

Hmmm.. I'm thinking.... Dragonmarked.... Human. D'Canith.
Just for giggles.

Poor Evan. Jassin was apparently his... Something. Which is sorta creepy when you think about it. It's like a Dachshund and a Great Dane, you know? Oh well.
He still needs hugs and stuff.

Also. New guy. Who he be, why he be here?
Is he a fugitive too?
If so - Does Evan do this sort of thing often?
Confusing indeed.
The plot thickens.
Speaking of which. Oh the food. I miss the food. Thank god we're out of the Cogs.

- Thaiana

This is : Daelkyr
This is: Common
This is: Elven

Sunday, February 8, 2009

When Ru is left to hir own devices....

Well, you see... After we killed the first goblin.. And he alerted the rest that, you know, we were death... It was decided that we needed another way down.. without it, like, being a suicide mission.. So I was sent off to get the gnomes to get us feather fall tokens...

On my way there.. err.. So.. I was kinda bored.. And no one was around.. And my penis was rather large I had my sword with me..... Soo... I found these giant caterpillars... The first one... I critted... And.. I think it looked something like this:

The second one.. NOT AS MUCH but still.. Decimated that bitch.

And then... Three drunk goblins singing a rousing rendition of "Dhakkan Shall Rise Again" in very slurred goblin. Which sounds wonderful, I might add.

I managed to convince them I was drunk as hell, also.. Which gave me points for when I was flailing my sword around and missing them (on accident) so that it looked like I accidentally hit them (on purpose)... 8D So then they... Stopped living. Of their own free will. And I acquired 7 cp.

I finally got to the elevator.. Scared the hell out of the Gnome.. Apparently Hobgoblins can't speak Gnome. Go figure. Scared the hell out of him again when I shifted back into a Changeling... Sent him on his way, he brought me the featherfall tokens and I changed into my pretty elf girl instead!

And then I met this very nice Half-Orc... Who took a... special interest in me. He showed me around the Cogs, gave me a nice tour of the d'Cannith manufacturing area... Gave me a silver piece, patted my bum, and went along his way.

Annnd that's all that happened today...
I heard stories about what the others did. I'm less than pleased that they killed fucked up more d'Cannith shit.. But it happens. Dru and I really ought to get drunk. And soon.

Forever yours,

Sunday, February 1, 2009

When is summoning a badger a good idea? When?!

This is what my life has come to?

I deal with my Passer parents for years, only to finally be able to make a life for myself, embracing my natural abilities!

And then some idiots get me involved in a MURDER INVESTIGATION?! I mean keh e jukkete!?

So, now I'm thrown into a pile with a Gnome (don't get me started. I do have to sleep at some point.), TWO Warforged (One seems ok. But they are warforged, after all.), a Palidan who doesn't seem to trust me, a lawful good half orc, an alcoholic dwarf chick, and some random elf. I'm not sure how Dru got suckered into this, but she's here too.

d'Cannith hates us, but what else is new...

d'Siberis is helpful, but they have their own motives.

Oh. Right. That pretty much brings us to the reason I'm writing this.

So Evanwroat sends us to the Cogs to collect on an agreement made between him and a Goblin crime family for some.. Work.. He did for them. Right. We were supposed to waltz in and be like "Sup, guys? So... you formerly inslaved people owe the elite class some money. So.. If you could just, like, pay us? That'd be great."

That was going to go over well.

Oh well. So we killed... Four hobgoblins and Five goblins. Shit happens.
And I didn't really do anything. I flashed a hobgoblin, scared the pants off another, and just generally ran around going "WHEEEEE!"
But fer srs?
Gimble summons a monster. I suppose it's because he's Lawful Good.. But really? A celestial BADGER?
*shakes fist at* Next time, go for the Fiendish Snake. No one will judge you. It's just a little Chaotic Evil.


Oh, yeah. And the new girl. I don't know her name, and it's hard to tell if she'll be joining us. Initially, not too fond. She's hiding something. And considering the nature, I have suspicions that it's racially based. She says she's human... Which I'm fairly certain is a lie. Of the races, I know of two that would lie to keep from being discovered: A Changeling and a Daelkyr Half-Blood. I cursed in Daelkyr and she seemed offended. I'm sticking with that for now. I'm less than willing to share this information with the rest of the group, but at the same time it's too much of a passer mentality for me to fully respect.